Decision Letter Templates

This article is for Administrators who wish to learn how to create a new decision letter template while making a Decision.

While creating a Decision to accept or decline Applications, you can either use an existing letter template, or create a New Letter Template.


This example will demonstrate creating a Letter of Decline. Letter of Offer templates follow the same process.


  1. Click New Letter Template
  2.  Enter the Template name and click Create Template
  1. Select an Admin. Their signature that is uploaded to their profile will appear at the bottom of the letter along with their full name and title. Note: See Manage Profile to learn how to add a signature to an Admin profile.
  2. Click Edit Letter Template

There are a number of features you can use to build your custom letter template:

  • Click Insert Paragraph to create your first Paragraph. You may add more paragraphs above or below the existing one.
  • At any stage you can click Preview to see an example of how the letter will look when it's sent. It’s helpful to continually preview your letter as you build it.
  • Clicking the Paragraph dropdown menu helps you manage page breaks and headings.



A key feature is inserting personalization which enables you to select variables relating to applications (for example their name). See the below example to understand this feature.





You can Save as New Template for later use, or Revert Edits.