This article is for Applicants who would like to edit a Grant Application.
Learn How To:
- Edit & Submit a Draft Application
- Request to Edit a Submitted Application
Edit Draft Application
After you start creating a Grant Application, it will automatically save. At any time, you can return to where you left off by viewing the Funding Application. The status of a draft Grant is “Started”. Your Application can be accessed by your Dashboard or the Applications menu.
- Click View.
- Click Edit Application.
- If you have completed all of the required fields within your Application, you can click Submit. Otherwise you can return to edit it at any time. Changes are automatically saved.
Request to Edit
If you have Submitted a Grant Application, you must request to edit the Application to get permission from the Grant Administrator to make changes. Their response will depend on the circumstances. For example, if the Application has not been reviewed by anyone yet, it is more likely that they will accept. Whereas if it under assessment, edits to your Application may confuse assessors and therefore the Grant Administrator may decline your request.
Your Application can be accessed by your Dashboard or the Applications menu.
1. Click View.2. Then click Request to edit Application.
Note: You will need to wait for the Administrator to respond. If approved, you can follow the Edit Draft Application process.