Everything you need to get started integrating Tahua and QuickBooks Online
Learn How To:
- Connect and disconnect from QuickBooks Online
- Configure QuickBooks online sync options
- Navigate go to Settings > Organisation in the top right menu
Click Edit Details to edit your Organisation Settings: - Towards the bottom of settings, is QuickBooks Integration. Click on the link to connect to QuickBooks.
- You will be taken to QuickBooks Online where you can select an organisation to connect to.
- You will then be directed back to your organisation settings, where you can configure your sync options and disconnect if required
- You can control which QuickBooks account code is used for the synced bills.
- If you wish you populate the Class field on your Bills select from the desired value from this dropdown menu.
- If you wish you populate the Customer field on your Bills select from the desired value from this dropdown menu.
- Next, you can choose when a Tahua milestone should be synced to QuickBooks