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How to share assessments with assessors

This article explains how to share assessment information with your assessors. This can be helpful in the assessment workflow itself or to share assessment info retroactively.

Assessment sharing is setup in the Assessment Round wizard/creation process, if you are wanting to share assessments after the assessment round is published or closed, simply "unpublish and edit" your Assessment Round and perform the following steps.

On Step 3 of the Assessment Round setup, you can select which Assessments can be shared with an Assessor by clicking on the Sharing button on the Assessor's row

This will present you with a popup to find the Assessments you want to share with this Assessor ( Abbie in the above screenshot )

Select the Assessments and click Add

Once this is done, you will see the Shared Assessments count change in the setup page, you can update the shared Assessments at any time by clicking on the number of the Sharing button again.

How do Assessors See the Shared Assessments?

Assessors can see the shared assessments in two places, the first is in situ within the assessment process. They are listed out and can be clicked in the right hand pane of the assessment screen which will pop up the assessment detail.

The other method to access Shared Assessments is through the left hand navigation by clicking on the Shared Assessments tab.

Accessing Shared Assessments this way is more useful if you are sharing retroactively after an Assessment Round has closed.

From here the Assessor can filter and search for any completed Assessment that has been shared with them and click on View to see the Assessment Information