How to upload files for use in templates

Upload and link to important documents from with your templates without having to leave Tahua.

1. Navigate to the template you wish to add the file(s) to.

2. In the top right menu , next to Preview, click the down arrow to present the sub menu, then click on "File Uploads"

3. The contextual left menu will change to the File uploads menu, either select from the available list of files or click "Upload File" to add a new file from your computer.

4. Choose the file and then after it is uploaded it will be available from the Files list within the left contextual menu, click on the "Copy to clipboard" button on the file row to copy the markdown to use within your template

5. Paste the snippet into any markdown enabled property such as support text, free text fields, labels ( and more )

6. The label of the link can be changed by editing the value within the square brackets