Sign in to Tahua

Step one: sign in.

Signing in with email and password

  1. From the Tahua homepage click 'sign in'.
  2. You'll land on the sign in page (bookmark this for easy access later).
  3. Enter your email and password and click 'sign in'.
  4. You've successfully logged into Tahua! 

Signing in using single sign-on (SSO)

If your organisation has set up SSO, you can use your work account to sign in to Tahua. This may be through Microsoft or Google for instance. The following example uses Microsoft.

  1. From the Tahua homepage click 'sign in'.
  2. You'll land on the sign in page (bookmark this for easy access later).
  3. Click 'SSO'.
  4. You will be redirected to your organisation's SSO provider login page. Enter your sign in details there. 

    You may find that you are already signed in with your work account, in which case you won't have to enter your password
  5. That's it! You're in.