Verifiers - How it works

Find out how to get up and running with Verifiers in Tahua

Getting Started

To get access to the Verifiers role, you can contact us at Tahua Support, or you can reach out to your Account Manager.

Once the Verifiers role has been added to your account, several new items will appear on the Tahua interface.

  • On the top navigation, under the Users menu, you will now see a Verifiers item.
  • On the side navigation, you will see a new expandable section named Verifiers.

Click on either of these options will bring you to the new Verifiers screen.

The Verifiers section is similar to the Applicants screen, offering the same abilities to view, add, and search for assigned Applications.

Setup your Verifier Registration Type

Much like your Applicants, Verifiers need to complete a registration profile when they sign up, so that you can capture information about each Verifier Organisation.

First go to your Settings > Templates > Registrations area and create a Registration Template with all the details you wish to capture about your Verifiers.

Second go to Settings > Organisation > Registrations and create a new Registration Type for by clicking on New Registration

Then selected Use Existing Template, then from the Select Registration Template choose the Registration Template you create in the previous initial steps. Additionally select the “Represents Verifiers” checkbox

Now you should be good to get your first Verifiers into the system.

Creating Verifiers

In order for Verifiers to be part of the process, they must first have an account within the system. There are two ways to achieve this.

  1. Invite the Verifier as an Admin - click on the Add Verifier button from the Users > Verifiers area

Enter their organisation and the name & email of the first user. Click Create to send them an invitation email where they complete their invitation and get access to their portal.

Note that you can have add Verifiers to the system without sending them an invitation, these will become Unclaimed Verifiers.

2. Verifiers registers themselves - alternatively Verifiers can register with the system themselves by signing up on your home page then selecting Verifier from the “Who are you registering on behalf of”

Assign Applications to a Verifier

Once you have created a Verifier, Applications can be assigned to them, this is the primary control for granting Application access to Verifiers

By an Administrator from the Assignments Screen

To assign Applications to a Verifier:

  • Use the side navigation
  • Expand the Verifiers tab; and
  • Click on Assignments
  • Search for the Application(s) you wish to assign and click on Assign
  • Select the desired Verifier and click Assign

By an Admin from the Application Page

On the application page you can also change the Verifier click hovering over the Verifier field and clicking on the Pencil icon, selecting the new Verifiers and clicking the tick icon.

By an Applicant

It is also possible to setup your Application Templates, so that Applicants can assign a Verifier while going through the grant application process. This is a huge benefit if you would prefer not to assign them manually every time.

Add a “Verifier Select” field to your Application Template

To enable this feature, add the "Verifier Select" field type to your Application Template. This field will automatically display a list of all Verifiers in your system.

Now, when an Applicant fills out a form with this field, Tahua will automatically assign the Application to the Verifier.

Don’t worry. You can always change the selected Verifier as an Administrator.

Verifier Workflows

Once an Application has been assigned to a Verifier, all the Decisions, Milestones, and Contracts workflows are available and are accessible to the Verifier from within their own portal.

At a high level these are :

  • Viewing and/or Editing Assigned Applications
  • Submitting Assigned Applications to the Funder
  • Reviewing & Accepting Letters of Offer
  • Viewing and/editing Milestones
  • Submitting Milestones to the Funder
  • Viewing & Signing Contracts

Verifier Settings

You can change how a verifier interacts with these workflows. We’ve created a Verifier Settings section under your Organisation’s settings to have finer control the specific behaviours you are after.

What this means for you

The Verifier feature brings significant advantages to grant management processes:

  • Streamlines verification workflows by adding a dedicated role for oversight and validation
  • Reduces administrative burden through automated assignment options and self-service portal access
  • Enhances collaboration and sign off between applicants, verifiers, and administrators
  • Provides flexible configuration options to match your organisation's specific needs
  • Maintains security and control through granular permission settings

With these capabilities, Verifiers help organisations create more efficient, transparent, and collaborative grant management processes.