Multi Stage Grants

This article explains how to setup a multi stage or multi phase grant/funding round as an administrator.

If you are wanting to run a grant process through multiple stages or round, then you can do this by finding the Grant you want to add a stage to in your "Grants" area and from the drop down menu click on "Add Stage".

If you wish to setup a regular create see our article here

Add Stage

This will start the usual Grants wizard for setting up the new Grant stage, with a few differences.

One the first step of the wizard you will be able to select the applications from the previous stage that have access to the Stage being created. 

Multi Stage Select Applications

From the popup select the applications by clicking on the checkbox on the left and clicking "Add Selected"

Multi Stage select applications 2

Within step 2 - Application Form you will be able to choose whether you want to copy the values from funding applications in the previous stage into the current stage funding applications as a starting point. This can be helpful if you are looking for refinements or elaborations from the first stage.

If you choose to copy values you will only be able to choose the application form template from the original stage or a linked template of that. 


Linked Templates

Linked Templates allow you to copy a template and make modifications to it, as well as retain a link between the fields that exist in both templates for copying values.

You can create a linked templates by finding the application templates in settings > templates > applications and from the drop down menu click on "Create Linked Template".

Create Linked Template

This will take you into the template builder where you can make any modifications you wish including adding new fields to the template. Please note that if you add new fields these will appear as blank values when copying values from the original stage.


Completing the process

The remaining workflow is the same as any other Grant. Once it is published your applicants will able to login to their portal and complete their funding applications if they are part of the Grant Stage.